Produkty dla mąka kamutowa (35)

Mąka do croissantów

Mąka do croissantów

W: 320 - 330. Patent flour obtained from selected italian, european and north american wheats. Suitable to produce doughs that require to be laminated, folded and rolled. Ideal to obtain layered, flaky and voluminous products. Recommended for brioches and croissants.
Typ 1850 Mąka Graham - 1kg

Typ 1850 Mąka Graham - 1kg

Słopisz est une ancienne variété de blé, évaluée en raison des valeurs de santé. Il a été oublié depuis longtemps et est actuellement découvert. La croissance était déjà connue dans les temps anciens. Il était un repas de gladiateurs et de participants aux jeux. Il a donné de la force, de la forme physique et, selon certains, même de l'intelligence. L'écriture de l'épeautre est considérée comme très saine. Il renforce l'immunité, élimine les toxines et soutient la circulation sanguine. Il aide à l'inflammation et aux allergies. Il a un effet de réchauffement et améliore le travail du système nerveux. Actuellement, il est utilisé dans la cuisson du pain, des gâteaux, des biscuits, des pâtes maison, des boulettes ou des gâteaux de crêpes.
Mąka konopna

Mąka konopna

Notre farine de chanvre contient en moyenne 50% de protéine. La protéine de chanvre est un superaliment riche en nutriments, souvent utilisé comme complément alimentaire pour augmenter l’apport en protéines. Elle est fabriquée à partir des graines de chanvre, une plante qui contient tous les acides aminés essentiels nécessaires à l’organisme. Conditionement :100g - 1kg
Aromat pieczonych kasztanów

Aromat pieczonych kasztanów

As comforting as a childhood memory, the warm notes of roasted chestnuts lend their characteristic flavour to a wide range of sweet and savoury culinary creations. Colin-Ingredients Ref:245U2202 Natural:No Form / particle size:Powder Heat treatment:No
Mąka chia

Mąka chia

Chia flour is an uncommon but excellent choice for bakery goods or dishes which don’t undergo heat treatment. This flour is distinguished by a large amount of nutrients and minerals. This product is gluten free. Gluten free is tested at every stage of production. The Garnets company was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Ear” a sign of the safety of glutenfree products recognized in most developed countries. Weight:70 g
Mąka gryczana - Mąka gryczana o różnym mieleniu, parzona lub nieparzona

Mąka gryczana - Mąka gryczana o różnym mieleniu, parzona lub nieparzona

The composition of buckwheat flour is rich in useful macroelements and microelements. Buckwheat flour also contains a lot of vitamins such as E, C, PP and B vitamins. Color: Brown:Package: Paper bags
Naturalny Skrobia

Naturalny Skrobia

The following parameters define the quality standards for our natural corn starch: Humidity [%]: Minimum 9%, Maximum 12.5% Protein [%]: Maximum 0.4% pH: Range 5 to 7
Mleko w proszku

Mleko w proszku

Lactose, Magermilchpulver, Vollmilchpulver, Süßmolkenpulver, Milkenprotein, Milchprotein usw. Mindestmenge volle Paletten Lieferung auf H1 Paletten möglich
Czysta Kurkuma

Czysta Kurkuma

Pure Kurkuma aus Sri Lanka Kurkuma auch als Gelbwurzel bekannt, ist ein Gewürz, das antioxidativ und wohltuend wirkt. Kurkuma gehört zur Ingwergewächs-Familie und wird in der Heilkunst Ayurveda als natürliches Heilmittel bei Blähungen, Völlegefühl und Erkältung eingesetzt. Es reguliert die Durchblutung und Verdauung. Pure-Kurkuma ist einzigartig im Geschmack, reich an Mineralstoffen und eine Bereicherung für jedes Gericht. Frisch produziert in Jaffna – Sri Lanka, mit lokalen Bauern, welche grossen Wert auf den natürlichen Anbau legen. Pure-Kurkuma auch geniessbar in Tees. Machen Sie etwas Gutes für das Herz und probieren Sie Pure-Kurkuma, das Gewürz, das ganzjährig Ihr Immunsystem intakt hält. Vegan und ohne Zusatzstoffe Wir verzichten auf Zusatzstoffe und Konservierungsstoffe. Das Produkt ist vegan, lactose- sowie glutenfrei.
Kurkuma, mielona

Kurkuma, mielona

Kategorie: Einzelgewürze Geschmack und Aroma: holzig-erdig im Geruch, warm-würzig, leicht pfeffriges Aroma mit bitterem Nachgeschmack Anwendung: Kurkuma verleiht vielen Currygerichten die typische goldgelbe Farbe, wird aber auch zum Würzen von Reisgerichten, Risotto, Fischsuppe, Chutneys und nordafrikanischen Lammgerichten verwendet. Tipp: Das Pulver sollte zu Beginn des Kochens niemals mit angebraten werden oder zu lange mit köcheln, sonst wird das Essen zu bitter. Zutaten: Kurkuma Hinweis für Allergiker: Kann Spuren von Schalenfrüchten, Erdnüssen, Sesam, Senf und Sellerie enthalten. Inhalt: 50 g in Weißblechdose
Mąka grzybowa - Grzyby w proszku

Mąka grzybowa - Grzyby w proszku

Farinhas de cogumelos O nosso processo de fabricação da farinha de cogumelo Aromas e Boletos consiste em reduzir a pó o cogumelo depois de desidratado, sem adição de qualquer amido ou outro ingrediente. Sugestões: a nossa farinha de cogumelo pode ser adicionada na confecção de qualquer prato, como sopas, molhos, pão, massas, queijo, bolachas, sobremesas, entre outras. Disponiveis: Maitake; Reishi; Shiitake; Boletus edulis; Cantharellus; Agaricus blazei. Composição nutricional por cada 100 g. Gorduras - 1,3 % Carboidratos - 78% Fibras - 14% Proteinas - 15%
Opakowanie mąki

Opakowanie mąki

There are numerous types and kinds of flour on the market. Depending on your needs, we will manufacture such packaging that will meet your needs. We recommend semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed one with a layer protecting against sunlight.
Mleko w proszku odtłuszczone

Mleko w proszku odtłuszczone

Skimmed milk powder is produced by removing the water content from pasteurized skim milk through a process called spray-drying. The classification of skimmed milk powder is based on the heat treatment applied during its manufacturing, which can be categorized as high heat, medium heat or low heat. *more standardised products available.
mąka sojowa

mąka sojowa

La harina de soja es el subproducto de la extracción del aceite de soja. Existen varios procesos, que dan como resultado diferentes productos. La harina de soya generalmente se clasifica para su comercialización por su contenido de proteína cruda. Los tipos ricos en proteína se obtienen de semillas descascaradas y contienen 47-49 % de proteína y 3 % de fibra cruda (en base al alimento).


manufacturing amino acids for food industrials pharmaceuticals with high quality and best price from china.
orzech kokosowy - składnik

orzech kokosowy - składnik

ingrediente pentru cofetarie si patiserie
Poprawiacz Chleba Sudem

Poprawiacz Chleba Sudem

10 KG Kraft Bag. 1 year Storage in a cool and dry place


Benefici: si dice che la lavanda abbia molti effetti benefici. La lavanda è comunemente usata contro ansia, stress e insonnia. Viene anche usato contro la depressione, la demenza, il dolore dopo l'intervento chirurgico e molte altre condizioni. L'erba è molto apprezzata per i trattamenti di bellezza e per la pelle ed è comunemente usata in fragranze e shampoo per aiutare a purificare la pelle. Negli alimenti e nelle bevande, la lavanda viene utilizzata come componente aromatica.Usi: la lavanda è più comunemente usata nell'aromaterapia e nella decorazione e potrebbe anche essere usata per il tè e per cucinare. Confezione:250g e sfuso
Chlebki pełnoziarniste

Chlebki pełnoziarniste

Whole grain breadsticks


W: 450 - 500. Farina tipo '00' ottenuta da grani italiani, europei e nordamericani selezionati, per impasti a lavorazione indiretta o a lunga lievitazione. Ideale per aumentare il tenore proteico e migliorare la maglia glutinica dei lievitati. Consigliata per la preparazione di Panettoni, Pandori, Colombe Pasquali di alta qualità. 10KG
Ekologiczna mąka pszenna typ 750 - 1kg

Ekologiczna mąka pszenna typ 750 - 1kg

Type 750 wheat flour is obtained from Bieszczady farms, which have an ecological certificate. This is one of the most popular types of flour that is obtained from ground wheat grain. Wheat, thanks to the content of protein (gluten), gives baking elasticity and makes them crumble less. & Nbsp; <strong> composition: </strong> wheat & nbsp ; <strong> Nutritional value in 100g </strong> Energy value 1450KJ/342kcal - 17%RWS*fat 1.8g - 2.6%including saturated fatty acids 0.7g - 3.5%carbohydrates 68g - 26%in with sugars 0.5g - 0.6%fiber 2.9GBIAL 12G - 24%salt 0.01g - 0.2%*reference food value & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> wheat flour type 750 is perfect for baking bread and all salty and sweet pastries. Ideal for pancakes, waffles or as a thickener of soups and sauces. & Nbsp; <strong> Notes </strong> Store in a dry and cool place in a tightly closed packaging.
Mąka proso 1000g vivio

Mąka proso 1000g vivio

Hirsemehl besteht aus gemahlenen Hirsekörnern - einer der ältesten Getreide mit vielen gesunden Vorteilen. Proso ist ein glutenfreies und basisbildendes Getreide, stellt das natürliche Säurebasis-Gleichgewicht im Körper wieder her, reinigt es, kämpft gegen freie Radikale und Pilze. Das Mehl ist leicht verdaulich, nicht allergisch, hat einen leicht nussigen Nachgeschmack und ist billiger als andere Produkte der "Super Foods" -Gruppe. Es ist eine Quelle für Ballaststoffe, Magnesium, ungesättigte Fettsäuren, Zink- und Eisen- und B -Vitamine. Hirsemehl ist eine echte Injektion nützlicher Substanzen und eine feste Entgiftung für den Körper. Hilletmehl ist auch eine reichhaltige Faserquelle, die heute allgemein als Produktträger bekannt ist, da es das Verdauungssystem reguliert und die Stabilisierung des Blutzuckerspiegels positiv beeinflusst. All dies führt zu einem Gefühl der Sättigung und weniger Verlangen %*RWS - Referenzwert Food & nbsp; <strong> Verwendung </strong> Hirsemehl kann aust
Mąka z brązowego ryżu

Mąka z brązowego ryżu

The raw material for this flour is brown rice containing a large amount fiber in it. There are also lots B vitamins in brown rice. Cold milling technology (t < 40°C) allows to retain most of the vitamins and minerals. Weight:500 g
Mąka grochowa 400g

Mąka grochowa 400g

Pea flour is often used in baking bread and tortillas, making pasta, as well as some pastries such as donuts and cookies. It is enough to add only 1020% of pea flour to wheat flour, and these dishes will acquire a unique pea aroma and become a little healthier. Peas are rich in vitamins C, B and PP, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index. Weight:400 g
Mąka żytnia 400g

Mąka żytnia 400g

Dishes made from rye flour are lower in calories than those made from wheat. Even people following various weight loss diets can use rye flour for baking. Not only traditional black bread can be baked from rye flour. This flour also serves as a base for many delicious and healthy baked goods, such as flat cakes, muffins, gingerbread, biscuits and cookies. Rye flour contains vitamins of group B, PP, as well as vitamin E a source of youth and beauty. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:400 g
Mąka z Czarnego Ryżu

Mąka z Czarnego Ryżu

It is grown with the use of organic farming without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. According to the researches, a spoon of black rice shell contains more antioxidants than a spoon of blueberries, but with less sugar and more fiber and vitamin E. Antioxidants help in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, cancer and a number of neurological diseases. Black rice can be used instead of brown or white rice while making desserts, it is often used for making puddings because of the natural sweetness. Black rice has nothing to do with wild rice and is arguably the most useful kind of rice. Weight:500 g
Mąka Owsiana 350g

Mąka Owsiana 350g

Oat flour is a good choice for baking. The most popular dishes are oatmeal cookies and pancakes. Nutritionists believe that oats are healthier than other grains. When oat flour is added to bakery products, they become more fluffy and crumbly, so this flour can serve as a substitute for wheat flour. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:350 g
Mąka lniana 350g

Mąka lniana 350g

Flaxseed flour is mainly used in baking (for instance, cakes, cookies, cakes, pancakes, muffins, cupcakes, muffins, etc.), and also for making some sauces. Flaxseed flour is a valuable dietary product and has many medicinal properties. It contains a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, etc.) and microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc.). Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index. Weight:350 g
Mąka z ptasiej wiśni

Mąka z ptasiej wiśni

Bird cherry flour has a bitter taste and resembles almonds, but at the same time has a sweet taste similar to blueberries. Because of its extraordinary and refined taste bird cherry flour is often used for making pancakes, pies, muffins, cheesecakes, bread and, of course, for baking the famous Bird cherry cake. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries. Weight:400 g
Skrobia tapioka 300g

Skrobia tapioka 300g

Tapioca starch is distinguished by the fact that it increases viscosity of the product without coloring it. The properties of tapioca starch are very similar to the properties of potato starch. It is used in many glutenfree baking recipes to make the dish look better or to achieve a golden crust. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:300 g